37. A Buffalo Passes Through the Enclosure
Goso said: "When a buffalo goes out of his enclosure to the edge of the abyss, his horns and his head and his hoofs all pass through, but why can't the tail also pass?"
Mumon's comment: If anyone can open one eye at this point and say a word of Zen, he is qualified to repay the four gratifications, and, not only that, he can save all sentient beings under him. But if he cannot say such a word of true Zen, he should turn back to his tail.
If the buffalo runs, he will fall into the trench;
If he returns, he will be butchered.
That little tail
Is a very strange thing.
※A Buffalo Passes Through the Enclosure(タイトル):「牛過窓櫺」。原文の「窓櫺(そうれい)」は窓の格子のこと。
※to the edge of the abyss:英訳者による追加。頌に触発された訳と思われる。
※his tail:「尾巴(びは)」
※If anyone can open one eye at this point and say a word of Zen:「若し者裏(しゃり)に向って顛倒(てんどう)して、一隻眼(いっせきげん)を著(つ)け得、一転語を下し得ば」。英訳は「顛倒して」を落としている。
※he is qualified to repay the four gratifications, and, not only that, he can save all sentient beings under him:「以て上四恩に報じ、下三有(さんぬ)を資(たす)くべし」。「四恩」とは、父母の恩、衆生の恩、国王の恩、三宝の恩。「下三有」は色界、欲界、無色界で、迷いの世界のこと。