3. Gutei's Finger
Gutei raised his finger whenever he was asked a question about Zen. A boy attendant began to imitate him in this way. When anyone asked the boy what his master had preached about, the boy would raise his finger.
Gutei heard about the boy's mischief. He seized him and cut off his finger. The boy cried and ran away. Gutei called and stopped him. When the boy turned his head to Gutei, Gutei raised up his own finger. In that instant the boy was enlightened.
When Gutei was about to pass from this world he gathered his monks around him. "I attained my finger-Zen," he said, "from my teacher Tenryu, and in my whole life I could not exhaust it." Then he passed away.
Mumon's comment: Enlightenment, which Gutei and the boy attained, has nothing to do with a finger. If anyone clings to a finger, Tenryu will be so disappointed that he will annihilate Gutei, the boy, and the clinger all together.
Gutei cheapens the teaching of Tenryu,
Emancipating the boy with a knife.
Compared to the Chinese god who pushed aside a mountain with one hand
Old Gutei is a poor imitator.
※Gutei's Finger(タイトル):「倶胝竪指」
※Gutei raised his finger:単数なので、指は一本と分かる。
※A boy attendant:原文の「童子」は有髪の従者のこと。
※In that instant the boy was enlightened:「童子、忽然として領悟す」
※passed away:dieの婉曲な表現。亡くなる。
※has nothing to do with...:関係がない
※clings to:くっつく、しがみつく
※If anyone clings to a finger, Tenryu will be so disappointed that he will annihilate Gutei, the boy, and the clinger all together:原文の「若し者裏に向かって見得せば、天竜、同じく倶胝併びに童子とは、自己と一串(いっかん)に穿却せん」は、“もしあなたがこの事態を見抜けるのなら、天竜、倶胝、童子、そしてあなた自身が一串に刺し貫かれるだろう”のような意味。
※Old Gutei is a poor imitator:英訳者による追加だが、童子が倶胝をimitateしていたことを念頭に置いた表現。もちろんこれは逆説的な表現であって、彼らの活躍が神業であると讃えた表現である。