16. Bells and Robes
Ummon asked: "The world is such a wide world, why do you answer a bell and don ceremonial robes?"
Mumon's comment: When one studies Zen one need not follow sound or color or form. Even though some have attained insight when hearing a voice or seeing a color or a form, this is a very common way. It is not true Zen. The real Zen student controls sound, color, form, and actualizes the truth in his everyday life.
Sound comes to the ear, the ear goes to sound. When you blot out sound and sense, what do you understand? While listening with ears one never can understand. To understand intimately one should see sound.
When you understand, you belong to the family;
When you do not understand, you are a stranger.
Those who do not understand belong to the family,
And when they understand they are strangers.
※Bells and Robes(タイトル):「鐘声七條」。「七條」は公式の場で使われる法衣。
※some have attained insight when hearing a voice...:例えば、竹を打つ石の音を聞いてハッとする経験のこと。
※blot out:消す、拭い去る。
※sense:感覚。Sound, color, form に対応して生じるもの。
※While listening with ears one never can understand. To understand intimately one should see sound:「若し耳を将(も)って聴かば応(まさ)に会(え)し難かるべし。眼処に声を聞いて、方(まさ)に始めて親し」